Monday, 15 September 2014

Happy Engineer's day

Centuries ago people who sacrificed their food ,
sleep , Laughter and other joys of life were called they are called
ENGNIEERS ....Happy Engineers day......

Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Electricity generation

Electricity generation is the process of
generating electric energy from other forms of
The fundamental principles of electricity
generation were discovered during the 1820s
and early 1830s by the British scientist
Michael Faraday. His basic method is still
used today: electricity is generated by the
movement of a loop of wire, or disc of copper
between the poles of a magnet. [1]
For electric utilities , it is the first process in
the delivery of electricity to consumers. The
other processes, electricity transmission,
distribution , and electrical power storage and
recovery using pumped-storage methods are
normally carried out by the electric power
Electricity is most often generated at a power
station by electromechanical generators ,
primarily driven by heat engines fueled by
chemical combustion or nuclear fission but
also by other means such as the kinetic
energy of flowing water and wind. There are
many other technologies that can be and are
used to generate electricity such as solar
photovoltaics and geothermal power.

Control system

Definitions: 1. Controlled Variable: It is the quantity or condition that is measured & controlled.
2. Controller: Controller means measuring the value of the controlled variable of the system & applying the manipulated variable to the system to correct or to limit the deviation of the measured value to the desired value.
3. Plant: A plant is a piece of equipment, which is a set of machine parts functioning together. The purpose of which is to perform a particular operation. 
6. Feedback Control:  Example:   Furnace, Space craft etc., 
4. System:  A system is a combination of components that works together & performs certain objective.
5. Disturbance:  A disturbance is a signal that tends to affect the value of the output of a system. If a disturbance is created inside the system, it is called internal. While an external disturbance is generated outside the system. It is an operation that, in the presence of disturbance tends to reduce the difference between the output of a system & some reference input.
7. Servo Mechanism: A servo mechanism is a feedback controlled system in which the output is some mechanical position, velocity or acceleration.
8. Open loop System: In an Open loop System, the control action is independent of the desired output. OR  When the output quantity of the control system is not fed back to the input quantity, the control system is called an Open loop System.
9. Closed loop System: In the Closed loop Control System the control action is dependent on the desired output, where the output quantity is considerably controlled by sending a command signal to input quantity.

Thursday, 28 August 2014

Electrical energy

Turbo generators provide the majority of the
world's electric energy
Electrical energy is energy newly derived from
electrical potential energy. When loosely used to
describe energy absorbed or delivered by an
electrical circuit (for example, one provided by an
electric power utility) "electrical energy" refers to
energy which has been converted from electrical
potential energy. This energy is supplied by the
combination of electric current and electrical
potential that is delivered by the circuit. At the
point that this electrical potential energy has been
converted to another type of energy, it ceases to
be electrical potential energy. Thus, all electrical
energy is potential energy before it is delivered to
the end-use. Once converted from potential
energy, electrical energy can always be described
as another type of energy (heat, light, motion,